With fall’s arrival, it’s the perfect time for all of us (adults, kids, drivers, office staff, etc) to get back to a healthier routine. Summer typically brings a lot of unhealthy food, drinks, late nights, and an overall lack of routine, so it’s important to get back on track and keep ourselves healthy before the back to school germs hit us with a cold or the flu. Check out the list to below to see some of the most impactful ways to improve your health this season!

  • Healthy comfort food: before diving into all things creamy, cheese-y, and comforting, take a step back and think of how you can create or order healthier yet still hearty meals. Focus on potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, and squash to make meals filling and comforting, and use spices such as cinnamon, cloves, pepper, and ginger to add some warmth.
  • Sleep is your body’s main method of healing and recovering each night, but far too many of us don’t get enough of it. Make an effort to get 30 min to 1 hour of extra sleep each night to enhance every single area of your health.
  • Keep your fruit & veggie intake high. When fresh, local produce starts to dwindle at the grocery store and farmer’s market, it can be easy to just eat less of them. Make an effort to eat as many of them as you were in the summer, focusing on fall produce such as apples, pears, beets, broccoli, carrots, squash, pumpkins, and cabbage.
  • Exercise to feel good. The goal here is not burning calories, getting into “beast mode,” or getting fitter than you’ve ever been; the goal is to do simple exercises that makes you feel great. Whether that’s walking, stretching, yoga, or something more intense like running or weight lifting, it’s entirely up to you! Ease into it and just try to stay consistent, keeping your goal of feeling good in mind.
  • Vitamin D: If you’re suddenly finding yourself stuck inside a lot more often, consider a Vitamin D supplement to keep your levels boosted. Benefits include an improved immune system, energy levels, and mood, among others.
  • Reduce processed food intake: Enjoy a few too many hot dogs, toasted marshmallows, or soft drinks this summer? It happens to the best of us! These processed foods take a huge toll on your body, so give it a break by trying to eat more foods in their whole, unprocessed form: unprocessed meats, fruits and vegetables, grains, etc.
  • Challenge yourself to pack more food: Similar to the point above, try relying on truck stops, restaurants, and fast food a little less by making a point to grab all of the groceries you need each week and doing a little meal prep ahead of time. A pot of veggie-filled soup, stew, or even a big stir fry will give you a few healthy meals.
  • Try a sober October, no-booze November, or both! Alcohol is one of the unhealthiest substances we regularly consume, but society (and marketing) has trained us to think it is safe in moderation. Even if you have a drink just once or twice a week, it is affecting your liver and your health, and you would benefit from taking a break completely for a month or even longer. Join the thousands of people who do this every fall and see for yourself all of the benefits you experience!
  • Spend time outside: Before you hunker down for the winter have to spend more time inside, take advantage of the cooler fall temperatures and spend as much time as you can outdoors. This will help keep you happy and motivated, and you’ll benefit from cleaner air and an improved immune system!